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RSS Epoliss

Reward Points:68
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5 most recent arguments.
epoliss(68) Clarified
0 points

"Helping" how? Curing, or just feeling better emotionally?

Do you have any evidence or at least examples?

Also, can't one argue that for every example when praying "helped" there is one where praying "failed to help"?

0 points

I can't tell if you are joking or being serious with all this Bible-quote-spam. But let's assume this quote applies... Should we then stop punishing outright murderers because shooting someone in the head is "not an end"???!!!

1 point

Many natural birth advocates (doulas, midwives, birth educators) say that delivery of newborns in the U.S. is "overmedicated" by the hospitals' doctors and nurses. Some unnecessary procedures are forced on the mom and baby that have little scientific basis. United States C-Section rates for delivery are ridiculous, when compared to other developed countries. Should parents have zero say in that?

2 points

Some may say that the FDA requirements are unreasonable. Billions of people take turmeric as a natural antibacterial, and you can buy turmeric pills for a small price. If I make turmeric pills and say on the bottle "Helps Fight Bacterial Infections", the FDA will send the police to arrest me. Instead, they want me to pay tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in application fees so they can "test" my product to allow me to say that on the bottle. I could never compete with big pharma companies that make synthetic drugs.

epoliss(68) Clarified
0 points

but U.S. law cannot give preference to any one religion. Why should our government be guided by quotes from the Christian Bible?

You know, I find it very ironic that you open this debate thread by saying how the U.S. government should stay away from religion (1st amendment), but then you offer nothing but Word of Jesus in every other comment. What gives?!!! :)

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Convict Hermansons of crime
Tied Positions: Natural Supplements = useful vs. Natural Supplements = harmful

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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