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Natural Supplements = harmful Natural Supplements = useful
Debate Score:48
Total Votes:56
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 Natural Supplements = harmful (11)
 Natural Supplements = useful (9)

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epoliss(68) pic

Merits of alternative medicine

Natural supplements are unscientific.  The government must ban them from being sold and impose heavy fines on the retailers.

Natural Supplements = harmful

Side Score: 24

Natural Supplements = useful

Side Score: 24
3 points

only in the case of some disease are natural medicines supposed to be used... but as far as supplements are concerned, natural food is more than enough.

Side: Natural Supplements = harmful
2 points

In my opinion, there is no alternative to natural food and hence supplements whether natural or man-made are unscientific

Side: Natural Supplements = harmful
mpham1405(7) Disputed
3 points

Everything natural is better for your healthy,if you have good life,eat good food your body might fight of the diseases.

Side: Natural Supplements = useful
1 point

it may work, but it may not, it might even be counter-productive,’ we argue this is most certainly the reality that practitioners should keep in mind. no conventional medicine is based in ancients practices that are originated when psychopathology and action mechanism of substances were unacknowledged

Side: Natural Supplements = harmful
mpham1405(7) Disputed
3 points

I think you right a little bit,but on my mind,you try to smile,to eat the natural food is good.For example,I think 100 years ago,the people in the world couldn't have medicine but they live very long time,and right now they eat a lot of food from man make and the cancer more and more.

Side: Natural Supplements = useful
fatcarolina(6) Disputed
3 points

Certainly the genetic modification and chemical in food are bad but it is not about eat natural food . it about using it as medicine when there is no evidence enough

Side: Natural Supplements = harmful
5 points

Natural supplements have to use because like laughter strengthens your immune system,boost mood,diminishes pain and protect you from the damaging effect of stress.I read one sentence in google they said:"A joyful heart makes for good health,but a broken spirit dries up the bone."If you eat good food and live a good life i think we might live longer.

Side: Natural Supplements = useful
0 points

natural supplement like laughter relax the whole body, boots the immune system, protect the heart, burn calories, low stress hormones, decreases pain

i think natural food is good, right now. The doctor recommend to eat natural food than man make

Side: Natural Supplements = useful
amjadhyd(3) Disputed
3 points

laughter is not a natural is an exercise...natural supplement means that you are taking an alternative to natural food and that cannot be good for health at all

Side: Natural Supplements = harmful
mpham1405(7) Disputed
2 points

i think that is one of the natural supplement,smile is natural..

Side: Natural Supplements = useful
fatcarolina(6) Disputed
3 points

Althouth people make be under the impression of natural medicine has less risks. i the is no evidence it is true, the same article point out "The rate of emergency department visits for adverse effects attributed to micronutrient supplements (excluding iron, calcium, and potassium) increased when comparing the time spans of 2004–2005 and 2013–2014 [3"

Side: Natural Supplements = harmful
fatcarolina(6) Disputed
2 points

the FBA testing for the no conventional medicine is poor. Therefore, the is a risk using this type of medicine. the article; Non-evidence-Based Medicine: The Gastroenterologist’s Role and Responsibility report a case where people was affected with hepatoxciticy caused for a medicinal plant' people affected realized of this after the were severely affected for

Side: Natural Supplements = harmful
epoliss(68) Disputed
2 points

Some may say that the FDA requirements are unreasonable. Billions of people take turmeric as a natural antibacterial, and you can buy turmeric pills for a small price. If I make turmeric pills and say on the bottle "Helps Fight Bacterial Infections", the FDA will send the police to arrest me. Instead, they want me to pay tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in application fees so they can "test" my product to allow me to say that on the bottle. I could never compete with big pharma companies that make synthetic drugs.

Side: Natural Supplements = useful
2 points

I like this opinion because laughter is the best medicine.

Side: Natural Supplements = useful
fatcarolina(6) Disputed
1 point

while is true positive attitude is beneficial for our health. It is not the case with the all kind of no conventional medicine. Indeed, all the benefits that practitioners claim make be due just to the place effect. There is not evidence of the improvement in health is actually due to that supplements.

Side: Natural Supplements = harmful
mpham1405(7) Disputed
1 point

I read one story of one lady,she is being pregnant and she go to doctor to check the baby,and the doctor said:the baby has something problem.but a week later,she tries to laugh,eat healthy food and positive emotion,after that,she go to the doctor and check again,the baby normal again.

Side: Natural Supplements = useful
fatcarolina(6) Clarified
0 points

People that use the no conventional medicine often automedicate and it may no solve or even may worse the problem.

Side: Natural Supplements = harmful